Poison Maps

The Ultimate Point of Interest App

Poison Maps provides powerful and comprehensive searching capabilities that do not require a data connection. It searches through all 12 million POIs as you type each letter, intelligently guessing what you are looking for by prioritizing nearby and larger POIs.

Poison Maps Poison Maps Poison Maps

On the right of each result is a small graphic describing the location of the POI. If it is on the currently displayed map then a rectangle is shown to represent the map, with a cross indicating the location of the POI on the visible map. If the POI is off the map but not too far then the graphic shows an arrow pointing in the direction of the POI, with an indication of the distance and direction below. If the POI is some distance away then a small picture of the country that it is in is shown, along with a cross indicating its location in that country.

If it cannot easily guess what you mean then it also provides comprehensive filtering functions to enable you to filter the results by country or by category.

Poison Maps Poison Maps Poison Maps

The search results can be plotted on a map in the same way as POI categories, effectively allowing you to create your own "virtual" categories. For example a small chain of restaurants or hotels that you like.

Poison Maps Poison Maps Poison Maps

Note that Compass Mode provides another method of navigating when offline, but displays the POI data in a very different manner.

<< Compass Mode
ContextNav >>

© CCS Ltd 2013.  Contact us at info@poison-maps.com