Compass Mode shows signs to nearby POIs, indicating their direction and distance, and allowing you to easily follow a sign to your destination. It is also fun at viewpoints, where it can help you identify what you can see in any direction.

Poison Maps Poison Maps Poison Maps

Whilst Compass Mode does not show as much information as proper maps, it does have a few advantages over them. Firstly it works perfectly well even when offline. This means that it can show you the direction and distance of the nearest POIs of any type, no matter where you are in the world, even without a data connection.

Poison Maps Poison Maps

Secondly it makes it quick and easy to see which way to go. If you don't get on with maps or don't have time to stop and study one (for example when walking or cycling) then simply following a sign is much quicker and easier.

You can even concentrate on one particular sign and a map will also be shown underneath so that you can have the best of both worlds (as long as you are online or have a map cached).

Poison Maps Poison Maps

As with signs on the map modes the size can be configured, and closer POIs can be enlarged and the farther ones faded to emphasise the relative distances from you. Shaking the device or tapping the shuffle button also gives a new set of signs in case you cannot see what you want in the first set.

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